Logistical Building Services (Electrical) was recently contacted by Construction & Civil Engineering Magazine, following our inclusion in the 2019 ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ report. Finance and H&S Director, Hilary Williams, was interviewed on our ongoing work, our reaction to being included in the report and our plans for the future.

Hilary also discussed the links between our inclusion in the report and the hard work of those working for Logistical Building Services (Electrical), discussing how:

The ability to provide a diverse range of services is inextricably linked with its commitment to continually develop the skills of its workforce. The company has experienced a significant increase in headcount over the past few years, now employing over 150 staff. “Crucially,” Hilary notes, “we maintain the ethos that every individual matters and we pay special attention to each person; assessing their strengths and weaknesses and helping them to develop as part of the company. We believe that this kind of engagement is essential to their connection with the business and helps make LBS (Electrical) different to other businesses. At heart we maintain the small, family run business that Colin originally established.

To read the full article, click here.